Feature Coverage InInternational Media:

AdvancedPropulsion R&D

What comes next after rockets? We’re working hard to build future space propulsion systems.

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UAP Reverse Engineering

UAP are advanced space vehicles & we’re working with top scientists to understand how they work.

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Dynamic Nuclear Orientation

Experimental research indicates that aligning nuclear spin creates a propulsive force for space travel.

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Other Research Projects

We’re testing superconductors, inertial drives, MHD, and other experimental propulsion systems.

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Advanced Propulsion R&D

At Falcon Space, we’re not just thinking about the future; we’re building it. Our dedicated Research & Development team is on a relentless quest to redefine the boundaries of propulsion technology. In a universe where fuel resources are finite, we believe in the infinite potential of propellantless propulsion.

Traditional propulsion methods rely heavily on fuel, which is not only a depleting resource but also adds significant weight to spacecraft, limiting their range and capabilities. Propellantless propulsion, on the other hand, offers a sustainable and efficient alternative, paving the way for longer, more ambitious space missions.

Our R&D initiatives span a wide range of propellantless propulsion projects. From harnessing the power of electromagnetic fields to exploring the mysteries of quantum mechanics, our team is pushing the envelope of what’s possible in space travel.

The universe is vast, and its secrets are many. But with every project we undertake, we come one step closer to unlocking its mysteries. Dive deep into our research, explore our projects, and join us as we chart a course for the future of space exploration.

UAP Reverse-Engineering

UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) are high-performance aerospace vehicles utilizing technology that appears to be far more advanced than current aerospace designs. Understanding & replicating their propulsion represents an unparalleled opportunity to reach the stars.

Through meticulous observation, data collection, and cutting-edge research, we’re striving to demystify UAP technology. Our reverse engineering efforts focus on understanding the propulsion, energy sources, and advanced materials possibly associated with these phenomena.

Imagine a world where the technologies behind UAP are understood and integrated into our daily lives. The implications for space travel, energy production, and even global communication could be revolutionary. By unlocking the secrets of UAP, we aim to propel humanity into a new era of technological advancement.

The journey to understanding UAP is filled with challenges and uncertainties. But with every discovery, we redefine the boundaries of what’s possible. Explore our findings, delve into our research, and be a part of this groundbreaking journey with Falcon Space.


Mark Sokol discusses the company goals & experimental research underway by Falcon Space, and explains how Dynamic Nuclear Orientation is used for advanced propulsion by aligning the nuclear spins of atoms in metals such as aluminum, which has led to a measured reduction in weight in past experiments.

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“The Earth is the cradle of humanity, but mankind cannot stay in the cradle forever.”



Dynamic Nuclear Orientation

All atoms have spin, but it’s randomly oriented in normal materials – which cancels out any potential forces. What if you could align those spins, so that the axis of rotation for every atom in a material was facing the same direction? You can: it’s done by a process called “Dynamic Nuclear Orientation”.

Nearly four decades ago, a researcher named Frederic Alzofon was puzzling over gigahertz-band frequencies recorded by an AWACS plane during a UAP close encounter. Could this have been related to its propulsion? Alzofon spent years researching various solutions before realizing that DNO is the key.

By aligning the spin of atoms in metals like aluminum, a coherent state of matter is created that doesn’t exist in nature. Alzofon’s experiments in the 1990’s led to a substantial increase in weight for test-samples, and we’re working closely with his estate to recreate his experimental results for next-generation propulsion.

Dynamic Nuclear Orientation isn’t well-known, but it’s real science – related to EPR and MRI technologies currently used in the medical industry. So far, nobody but Alzofon has used it for propulsion, but our goal is to make his dream a reality and create a next-generation warp-drive based UAP reverse-engineering.

Other Research Projects

Falcon Space is committed to pursuing next-generation technologies to enable humanity’s future in the stars. In addition to our work with Dynamic Nuclear Orientation, we’re actively building and testing a wide variety of experimental propulsion systems based on novel physical principles.

We have built and publicly tested a large-scale replication of Podkletnov’s superconductive force-beam experiment, which channels a massive electrical discharge from a Marx Generator through a specially designed superconductor, which is believed to produce a beam of gravitational force.

Inertial propulsion is another approach that we’ve explored, by working in conjunction with experimenters such as Tedd Pittman, Bryan St. Clair, Mike Gamble, Tom Valone, Dr. James Woodward, and others. We have experimented with both linear-reactionless & gyroscopic techniques to produce a directional thrust.

Additionally, Falcon Space has pursued a series of smaller experiments proposed by various experimenters to explore potentially overlooked avenues for novel propulsion. We continue our work diligently on these, and will not stop until we’ve helped humanity achieve the stars. Rockets are today: Falcon Space is tomorrow.


What’s a “day in the life” like at Falcon Space? It’s hard work, but lots of fun! Click to expand the photo image gallery for a collection of our favorite smartphone photos over the last couple of years, and make sure to follow our monthly lab updates at the APEC Conference for our latest updates!


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